27 January 2010

Final day of TIAS 2010

OK, this is the link for the final day and hopefully the beginning of a farmyard full of roosters.

You will see on the final day that there is more for you to make.

I would love to welcome all the roosters to come and take their places on the TIAS blog!!!!!

Thank you ALL for taking part. Without you all this would've still been an egg!!!!


Valerie said...

a gorgeous rooster and his beloved family!

eggs are never enough, jane. i'm certainly looking forward to more (TIAS). thanks for this wonderful new pattern.

Marty said...

Thanks, Jane! It's always a relief to discover that I didn't make an alien (it might take over, you know). If I could think up nifty things like you do, I might do one of these thingies -- but no such creative cells inhabit my brain.

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Happy Beaks

Happy Beaks
I beg your pardon? I didn't quite catch what you said.